Cultivating Our Individual Center

Business in a More Beautiful World

by Ron Czecholinski & Kathleen Colburn

Here in this beautiful place – the mountains of western North Carolina – and in many places around the world, communities of people are gathering together.

We share interests, values, gardens and lawnmowers. We need and want to be together. Together we can shift our story from just me to we.

In order to do this, we first need to embrace our individual center; the place in our heart where we know we are valued, loved and complete; the place where our passion is ignited and our gifts emerge. There we need to cultivate self-awareness and clear intention. We need to accept our ego with understanding and compassion, allowing our limiting beliefs, damaged emotions, and trapped energy to dissolve.

We then need to embrace a collective center to fully function individually and together. To navigate the shift in our collective story, we deeply need to see our part in the whole. We need to embrace the community we are called to function within and our community needs to embrace its individuals.

In that collective center we learn the art of collaboration. We learn to see ourselves from a broader perspective. We experience the harmony and synergy that comes out of surrender. Like in our personal journey to a heart centered life, we learn to let go of our attachments in order to embrace a deeper sense of who we are. We move deeper into the center by letting go of control and embracing the chaos.

With this deeper sense of community and collaboration we can fully awaken and emerge individually. From this place we are going to shift our collective story to pursue harmony and equilibrium.

Next time Elise and Phil Okrend expand on a passage from their book, Messages to the Heart.

We will explore specific concepts of the emerging global consciousness shift. This essential shift is the foundation of our new story.

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