
The Ideas and People Who Make This – A More Beautiful World

By Phil Okrend and Kathleen Colburn

With this month’s article we transition to The Ideas and People Who Make This – A More Beautiful World.

Last month we talked about the process of cultivating our individual center as a path toward a collective center. This path urges us to awaken our hearts, embrace our similarities and fully realize that we are connected to all that is.

Here we’re exploring deeper into a passage from Elise and Phil Okrend’s book Messages to the Heart. The passage is “Oneness” and it invites us to – Imagine a new story.

OldCity - Elise Okrend
Elise Okrend, Old City

Instead of consumerism – humanism. True abundance comes from moving away from the narrow transaction approach of consumerism to the heart-centered approach of humanism – defined as a system in which human interests, values and dignity predominate. We recognize that by sharing our gifts and serving the greater good, we will, in turn, have what we need. In doing this we flow from restriction, to trust.

Instead of greed – giving. When we think beyond our selves we can go out into the world to share our innate gifts and talents. We are giving. We know that by sharing resources with others, we empower them. And by empowering others, we empower ourselves.

Instead of competition – cooperation. To fulfill our dreams from a more loving place we need to move away from the competitive model that creates disparity and anxiety, haves and haves not. Cooperation means everyone wins. By joining our unique talents with someone else’s unique talents we can create something even better than we may have done on our own. We know we don’t have to do everything on our own and that others will support us on our journey.

Instead of conflict – coexistence. It is respect for other perspectives, cultures and ideas that brings us together. There are a great many individuals working to bring our world more toward understanding and bridging differences. Lives have been lost. Thank you for all that you’ve done. Thank you for all that you do.

Instead of fear – love. Fear is the root of separateness, greed, competition and conflict. Fear is taught. Love is a natural state, something you’re born with. Once we remove fear, the only thing that exists is love. From love we are better able to bring out our gifts to the fullest.

Instead of sleeping – awakening. When we shift from unconsciousness to consciousness we are waking up and realizing who we really are, releasing our fears and realizing our potential.

Instead of control – surrender. Surrender is based on trust, a trust that there is something beautiful inside us. Being in the midst of fear, we can lose trust and cling to control to make sure life is as ordered as possible. If we can surrender, we can then trust in the essence of life. We can then trust that life is good.

Instead of holding tightly – letting go. If we hold on to a situation, a feeling, an outcome, we may block possible resolutions. As we learn to let go, we can feel life flow more freely. We can still care, we’re just not attached. We’re not giving up, we’re letting go. Along with a mental shift, we’re making a physical shift as well, which can result in healing.

Instead of feeling alone – feeling that we are one. When we can see our connectedness, our commonalities, then we feel peace. We are relaxed and full. We feel happy, calm, secure and safe. Without this we can feel separate and alone in this world. Our new story is one of unity. About caring deeply for our fellow beings.

The truth is that this story has begun. Let it live into our consciousness. This is the only sane way to live. So share this new paradigm. Embrace it. Shout it out. We can do this. We have to build this new world with these principles. Allow yourself to be in this new world. Welcome!