Curmudgeon (Page 4)

by Peter Loewer

by Peter Loewer They are trying to steal our water,” said Curmudgeon. “Moffit’s Raiders are straight out of the Civil War ragamuffins who tore towns apart, but today act as ‘tho the law was on their side.” “It often is,” said Breadman. “Here! Here!” exclaimed Mrs. Storekeep. “What would you,Continue Reading

by Peter Loewer Curmudgeon came in the general store on the Saturday afternoon of the Black Friday weekend. His hair was slightly mussed and his demeanor seemed to be even worse. “What’s happened to this country?” he asked of nobody in particular. “I sat down in front of the TVContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer It was about 11 in the morning when the Breadman came into the general store and tripping over the Shoe-man—who had spread his catalogs with abandon over all the newspapers—dropped an armload of thin-sliced bread and six packs of Twinkies at the feet of the notions salesman.Continue Reading

by Peter Loewer As Mrs. Storekeep sprinkled sawdust on the old wooden floors in preparation for the morning’s sweep-up, she inadvertently — it would seem — dropped a bit of dust on the polished shoes of the curmudgeon. At first he glanced up at the ceiling with a purely painedContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer Boy,” asked the breadman as he entered the general store with an armload of hard rolls and family-sized loaves of whole wheat, “have you guys been following the various TV and newspaper stories about the decline of spelling ability in the country?” “No,” replied the man whoContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer Well,” said the curmudgeon as he established himself on the radiator to the left of the General Store’s front door, “I’m here to tell you that I am sick of NOISE!” “What,” shouted the Breadman as he began to stack the week-old pies in a separate pileContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer Note: It should be remembered by those who have been following the exploits of The Curmudgeon, that before the transformation into his present character—and after a two-year sojourn in the US Army—he completed a degree in liberal arts, then worked around Atlanta for many years, first asContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer Storekeep, Cityfella, Mrs. Storekeep, and the Curmudgeon were standing about the new cigarette display left on the counter by a gum-chewing tobacco salesman and talked about an industry that produces a product that ultimately kills yet still sells itself by various salutes to sophistication. When the talkContinue Reading

by Peter Loewer The Curmudgeon has a facetious look about his visage,” said Cityfella to Mrs. Storekeep as he waited for the morning mail to be sorted with the deft hands of the second in command. “Just before you arrived I gave him his Sweepstakes Prize Selection Kit from TheContinue Reading