Non-Fiction (Page 3)

Written by Tom Davis – My last tour in the Army with Special Forces was as the Inspector General for the United States Special Operations Command (USASOC) at Ft. Bragg, NC. My job called me to conduct investigations that involved higher ranking officers or high profiles incidents. There was oneContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – This is the first part of a three part series and was written in April 2003. Exchange rate: $1 = about 9,000 Rupiahs. Borneo! Since childhood, whenever I had heard of Borneo, my mind had instantly filled with vivid images of deep dark jungles, headhunters withContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – Do we need a new story for the world at this time? The world seems to be at a tipping point with terrorism and the fight against it gaining headlines. If we react with more and more war, with greater violence, with more defensiveness, howContinue Reading

Written by Jonathan Look – From November 16, 2015 – I came across this poem a few weeks ago and it really resonated with me. The duality expressed by the author of moving mechanically through life combined with regrets of not striving for anything beyond the ordinary is incredibly sad.Continue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – I’ve been thinking about storms lately. As Hurricane Joquin blew its way around the Southeast and Atlantic, causing flooding of biblical proportions in the state of South Carolina, there was a sense that these storms can be random. We never know where they are goingContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – Imagine meeting a family that included not only somebody who was kidnapped during a civil war, but also the person who literally “wrote the book on” training guerrillas? How about a family including an individual whose godfather is Fidel Castro, plus someone else who marriedContinue Reading