Short Stories (Page 2)

We are accepting submissions of a variety of “shorts,” including flash fiction, articles, travel journals, and short stories in more than 20 genres. Writers are encouraged to submit works that have been properly edited. All submissions will be reviewed for appropriateness and quality. If editing is required, the writer has the option of working with the section editor at special Rapid River Magazine rates.

Please review the Submission Guidelines.

Kathleen Colburn is editor and curator of the section. Please contact her with questions and submissions by email to

Written by Eddie LeShure – This piece was written in February, 2002 when Eddie spent a month traveling in East Africa. We continue with his time at Masai Mara Game Park.        ————————————————————————————————- Within Mara Reserve in Kenya, the Sand River runs east and west, nearly touching the Tanzanian border. At oneContinue Reading

Written by Matthew L. Pasulka – It was a beautiful summer morning in Diu, a small port city on the southern shores of Gujarat, India that once served as the base of operations for the Portuguese military in South Asia. The sun was slowly making its way towards its afternoonContinue Reading

Written by B. Craig Grafton – “Please go to the garden and fetch us some beets,” said the mother. “For that again is all we have to eat for supper tonight.” “Yes mother,” replied the boy. “And stay away from that hole. No telling what is down there.” “Yes mother,” repliedContinue Reading

Written by Lucy Palladino – Snow, dusted dark with salt and mud, clung to the sides of the dark grey road. Fields stretched out beyond the straight highway with old farm equipment and the occasional naked tree breaking through. Tufts of thick grass and old fence posts separated one pasture fromContinue Reading

Written by Mickey Hunt – After his mother chased him away, Bernie enjoyed a simple life off the grid, but acorns, berries and grubs grew boring and harder to find, and they didn’t always suit his digestion. Then winter struck and froze his butt. Also, he thought he’d eventually find companyContinue Reading

Written by João Cerqueira – Choosing the Sociology course was the best decision of my life. It was only then that I began to understand the complexity of the world, the invisible powers that decided the fate of humanity, and how information and the democratic system itself were being manipulated. ManyContinue Reading