Abraham Lincoln

A Late Quartet ****1/2 Short Take: A truly remarkable film about the members of a string quartet and the challenges they face after a member is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Reel Take: The first of many pleasant surprises regarding A Late Quartet occurred right at the beginning when the filmContinue Reading

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter *** Short Take: Beautifully mounted, immensely unsatisfying mix of history and fantasy that takes itself WAY too seriously. Reel Take: As a native Southerner, I should have been greatly offended or at least annoyed by the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.Abraham Lincoln has always been a polarizingContinue Reading

Chip Kaufmann’s Pick: Vampire Circus Vampire Circus (1972) Having sat through Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I came out longing for the B movie vampire flicks of yore where the built in limitations of a low budget often led to tighter scripts, more colorful performances, and a more creative use ofContinue Reading