
  Death is inevitable and can happen to our loved ones at anytime. Our loss comes with pain and can bring up the good memories that we have of our departed loved ones. We can show our love and respect to them with a memorial that we can remember themContinue Reading

50+ Human Food Your Dogs Can And Can Not Eat Last Updated: September 13, 2019 by Leo Wilson Sharing a snack with your dog is a fun way to connect with them, and, when you choose the right foods, can be a healthy way to supplement their diet. But, someContinue Reading

  A large part of the thrill of travelling is being able to experience and, more importantly, understand different cultures. There are many horror stories of tourists visiting countries and using the trip as a glorified search for content to post on social media, but there is no denying thatContinue Reading

by Bill Walz – “The meaning of freedom can never be grasped by the divided mind. If I feel separate from my experience, and from the world, freedom will seem to be the extent to which I can push the world around, and fate the extent to which the worldContinue Reading

by Chip Kaufmann – This year (and in fact this month) marks the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. It officially occurs on April 23rd (which also would have been Will’s 452nd birthday) and there will be worldwide observances. In accordance with that, this seems the ideal timeContinue Reading