Elise Okrend

Written by Phil Okrend – Do we need a new story for the world at this time? The world seems to be at a tipping point with terrorism and the fight against it gaining headlines. If we react with more and more war, with greater violence, with more defensiveness, howContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – I’ve been thinking about storms lately. As Hurricane Joquin blew its way around the Southeast and Atlantic, causing flooding of biblical proportions in the state of South Carolina, there was a sense that these storms can be random. We never know where they are goingContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – Would you like to experience greater peace of mind with less stress and anxiety? We all would and yet peace of mind can seem so elusive. If you experience any of the following, you understand the challenges that can keep you from getting there: OverworkContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend –  As we enter the New Year, it is commonplace to think about change, and to set new intentions. Normally this may consist of setting goals you want to achieve, your “To Do List.”  Typically as you move through the year, much of these well intendedContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – Recently my oldest son, Jordan asked me to help him with a college psychology assignment. His assignment was to record my recollection of an event that we both experienced to see how our memories of that event contrasted. I told him that there was a traumaticContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – Being vulnerable is difficult for many people. It can conjure up intense feelings such as fear of being judged, loss of control and weakness. When we want to project a certain image to the world, we may try to avoid vulnerability. It is as though beingContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – A few weekends ago, I had the privilege to attend a workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. Omega is a wonderful retreat and educational center offering courses on personal and societal change from some of the leading authors, speakers and educators in theContinue Reading