Short Story – Drama

Written by Benjamin Sonnenberg – You’re going to die, Mother. It will kill you, eventually: these were the words that paced back and forth in his mind. But then came sadness, a despair so overwhelming that it threatened to swallow up his interests and passions, just as the disease had swallowedContinue Reading

Written by Lucy Palladino – Snow, dusted dark with salt and mud, clung to the sides of the dark grey road. Fields stretched out beyond the straight highway with old farm equipment and the occasional naked tree breaking through. Tufts of thick grass and old fence posts separated one pasture fromContinue Reading

Written by Porter Staples – (Mature Theme) – Ned ordered another Black Jack on the rocks. He savored it, from the smell of the fumes in his nose to the painful jolt of pleasure as the liquid rolled into his stomach. In the wake of the cascade, his muscles meltedContinue Reading

Written by Terry Ward – His brother died when the ship sank. He never saw him while the lifeboats were being loaded, even though he searched desperately. Men, women, and children were moving about the decks in uncertainty and panic. He was lucky to find a lifeboat himself as theContinue Reading