Short Story – Personal Growth

Written by Ronya Banks – Some people I know who are proponents of the “I create EVERYTHING in my life with my mind” mind-set, take this mind over matter as it relates to their physical bodies beyond the realm of reason.  They believe that if they can think positively enough, the natural laws ofContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – Do we need a new story for the world at this time? The world seems to be at a tipping point with terrorism and the fight against it gaining headlines. If we react with more and more war, with greater violence, with more defensiveness, howContinue Reading

Written by Phil Okrend – I’ve been thinking about storms lately. As Hurricane Joquin blew its way around the Southeast and Atlantic, causing flooding of biblical proportions in the state of South Carolina, there was a sense that these storms can be random. We never know where they are goingContinue Reading

Written by Ronya Banks – So as you can see, I am still on the Mind-Body and“Flow” rampage. There’s just so much here… I have discovered that having a clear Mind-Body connection maximizes my  “Flow” process.  This means that my mind is “connected to” and “aware of”what is going on in my body.  ThisContinue Reading

Written by Ronya Banks – As you can probably imagine, the physical body plays an integral role in the “Flow” process.  On one hand, this human body is the vehicle with and through which this “Flow” bubbles forth into the manifestation of physical life. I cannot experience the physical dimension of life without a humanContinue Reading

Written by Ronya Banks – As I have been describing, “Mastering Flow” is an evolving resultant of my contemplative inner journey and practices. My most recent limited, mind-view understanding of “Flow” is that it is a working system of creative energy source that, when connected to, illuminates and facilitates a natural unfolding ofContinue Reading