Short Story – Travel

Written by Matthew L. Pasulka – It was a beautiful summer morning in Diu, a small port city on the southern shores of Gujarat, India that once served as the base of operations for the Portuguese military in South Asia. The sun was slowly making its way towards its afternoonContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – This is the third and final part of a three part series and was written in April 2003. Exchange rate: $1 = about 9,000 Rupiahs. Time to head north to Sangatta. The last thing I wanted to do there and then was to get on anotherContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – The is the second part of a three part series and was written in April 2003. Exchange rate: $1 = about 9,000 Rupiahs. After spending a pleasant night in my naked-light bulb hotel (Radmat Abadi  for 25,000R), I headed off at 8:30 the next morningContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – Imagine meeting a family that included not only somebody who was kidnapped during a civil war, but also the person who literally “wrote the book on” training guerrillas? How about a family including an individual whose godfather is Fidel Castro, plus someone else who marriedContinue Reading