Jewelry Can Help You Physically, Mentally or Emotionally

making jewleryBy Linda Neff

When one wears jewelry, the stone you are wearing is always significant whether it is color, energetic properties, or just the beauty of the stone you have selected.

Crystals, stones, and gems all have specific ways in which they relate to what you need and can be a reason why that particular one resonates with you. The crystals, stones and gems stimulate chakras, provide protection and promote cleansing and healing. They can also be stabilizing, grounding, connect you spiritually and can help you physically, mentally or emotionally.

Many healing modalities work in the same way: reflexology, Reiki, massage, acupuncture, cranial sacral, tai chi, qigong, yoga and many more. By connecting with the energetic pathways in the body such as the meridians, prana, chi and the chakras, there is an inner knowing that something within is shifting as we pursue healing for our bodies. These shifts will occur through releasing muscle tension, aches and pains where these energies are contained.

Reflexology and Reiki are merely a way to begin your journey to a life of well-being – physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. Through your willingness to be open, to want to change your life, that pathway can be opened up to you to help you facilitate the health you wish to experience.

Contact Linda Neff for more information, appointments, or classes. Self-Care Class, first Wednesday of the month, free treatments. Walk-ins welcome first Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Reiki class and Bowen Therapy instruction available.

Linda Neff is a Reflexologist, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, #HSC 2058, NCBTMB #582633-09. Call 513-675-2819.

Mountain Spirit Wellness, 254 Depot Street, Waynesville, NC


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