Columns (Page 2)

  By Greg Vineyard In the Star Trek reboot (2009), at one point, young Scotty (the late Anton Yelchin) exclaims: “Imagine that, it never occurred to me to think of space as the thing that was moving.” It was a revelation that involved evolved thinking, theory development and an offeredContinue Reading

By Bill Walz   “Satori (awakening) is said to take place when consciousness realizes a state of ‘one thought’. ‘One thought’ is the shortest possible unit of time… Thought represents an instant, i.e. time reduced to an absolute point with no durability whatever… when time is reduced to a pointContinue Reading

“Allow the genuine silence that is ever-present behind the noise of everyday life to increasingly draw you to itself.” —Stephen Bodian (Wake Up Now) “When you become responsive to the solicitations of silence, you may be called to explore the invitation.” —Jean Klein Silence does not sit well with theContinue Reading

by Carol Bjorlie — “The Poet Behind the Cello” Swing a friend’s hand and sing this Burt Bacharach and Hal David tune! “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of What the world needs now is love sweet love,Continue Reading

Investigating More of One’s Art Story by Greg Vineyard – Not that anyone needs one bit more of proof that I’m kind of odd, but… every time I look at a beautiful seascape – you the know the type, a wide and high vista featuring two snorkelers or kayakers inContinue Reading

by James Cassara – I’m still trying to catch up with the ever growing stack of discs to be covered (review one more and two shall take its place!) so brevity remains the name of the game. Remember, two stars or five, anything mentioned here is worthy of your timeContinue Reading