Film Reviews (Page 20)

Chip Kaufmann’s Pick: Chronicle Chronicle (2012) Since I reviewed the two latest installments of the Spiderman and Batman franchises in this issue (combined budgets: $490 million), it only seems fitting that my DVD pick of the month was a movie that I enjoyed more than both of them and itContinue Reading

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter *** Short Take: Beautifully mounted, immensely unsatisfying mix of history and fantasy that takes itself WAY too seriously. Reel Take: As a native Southerner, I should have been greatly offended or at least annoyed by the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.Abraham Lincoln has always been a polarizingContinue Reading

Chip Kaufmann’s Pick: Vampire Circus Vampire Circus (1972) Having sat through Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, I came out longing for the B movie vampire flicks of yore where the built in limitations of a low budget often led to tighter scripts, more colorful performances, and a more creative use ofContinue Reading

The Avengers ****1/2 Short Take: The soon to be all time box office champ is one movie that is actually worth all the hype although it’s about 30 minutes too long. Reel Take: If you haven’t gotten around to seeing The Avengers yet, don’t worry. It isn’t going anywhere anytimeContinue Reading

With The Avengers, Men In Black 3 and other big budget CGI fests already mopping up the cinemuck at the cineplexes, the summer block buster season is upon us. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the big titles coming soon to a theatre near you. June 1 – SnowContinue Reading

Chip Kaufmann’s Pick: “The Mill & The Cross The Mill & The Cross (2011) WARNING: This movie from 2011 is not for everyone. It is about the 16th century Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel and one of his more celebrated paintings The Way to Calvary.If you’re not into art and especiallyContinue Reading

Blue Like Jazz ***1/2 Short Take: An indie faith-based comedy drama about a devout young man experiencing a crisis of faith, who puts his Christianity in the closet, while he attends a prestigious college. Reel Take: A few weeks back I heard a piece on NPR about a new nicheContinue Reading

Reviewed by Clara Sofia Most of you have heard of Titanic, if not seen it repeatedly. James Cameron’s blockbuster chronicles the Titanic’s tragic demise, when it hit an iceberg and sank in 1912, and also creates a fictional love story aboard the doomed ship. A young Leonardo DiCaprio and KateContinue Reading

5th Annual Music Video Asheville A Showcase to Highlight The Pairing of Asheville Musicians & Filmmakers Join Asheville’s music and film elite on the red carpet for the 5th anniversary celebration of Music Video Asheville (MVA) on Wednesday, May 9 at the Cinebarre. Watch music videos by Asheville’s premier musiciansContinue Reading