Fiction (Page 2)

Written by Mickey Hunt – After his mother chased him away, Bernie enjoyed a simple life off the grid, but acorns, berries and grubs grew boring and harder to find, and they didn’t always suit his digestion. Then winter struck and froze his butt. Also, he thought he’d eventually find companyContinue Reading

Written by João Cerqueira – Choosing the Sociology course was the best decision of my life. It was only then that I began to understand the complexity of the world, the invisible powers that decided the fate of humanity, and how information and the democratic system itself were being manipulated. ManyContinue Reading

Written by Dave Rowe – Hello readers, I’m Tommy Wilkens and what I do is sit on a bench on the Atlantic City boardwalk playing my guitar and singing in hopes that people will stop to listen, then drop money in my case. So look, here comes a middle-aged couple.  He’sContinue Reading

Written by Kira Yates – Summer nights in Louisiana are the only reason that folks are willing to tolerate the insufferable summer heat. When the sun goes down, a sweltering world gives way to a veritable alternate universe. Mother Nature blows a cool wind that ventures through the bayou and intoContinue Reading

Written by L.B. Sedlacek – From the list of dos and don’ts of a garbage collector:  Watch everything at all times. Predawn. Friday. Somewhere in a crumbling alley. My overalls were covered in tomato juice. My hands with cocktails and rainwater. I wiped them on my shirt. I smelled. I alwaysContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – The phone rang. They looked at each other. After the second ring, he got up. The name of the caller shown in the ID window was “Unknown.” He didn’t answer it. When he returned to the living room, she didn’t look at him but shookContinue Reading

Written by Aaron D. Ybarra – Once upon a time, a young woman flipped through a picture book with her pet dog. The book was about wolves. With the dog’s head perched delicately on her lap, she remarked: “Look, pup, that’s you!” At first, the dog was taken aback. WolvesContinue Reading

Written by Tom Davis – Tomorrow I’m going to start writing—seriously writing. For years now, I’ve always wanted to. My husband and I have talked about it. He swears I’ll be great. I’m an avid reader, articulate, and can turn a phrase better than most. I have important things to say,Continue Reading