Non-Fiction (Page 2)

Written by Ronya Banks – Some people I know who are proponents of the “I create EVERYTHING in my life with my mind” mind-set, take this mind over matter as it relates to their physical bodies beyond the realm of reason.  They believe that if they can think positively enough, the natural laws ofContinue Reading

Written by Terry Ward – She slapped me hard. Really hard. Like a cold, winter wind stings your face. But it was May at my elementary school playground, not winter. A sixth grade cookout fundraiser for our school. Many parents and children standing in line for their meal. I wasContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – This is the third and final part of a three part series and was written in April 2003. Exchange rate: $1 = about 9,000 Rupiahs. Time to head north to Sangatta. The last thing I wanted to do there and then was to get on anotherContinue Reading

Written by P.H. Fraser – I remember…  the day was idyllically bright…  early June…  flawless warmth of a fresh season waving winter a final goodbye.  We met unexpectedly in the woods beside the mountain river, running loud and fast with spring rain, winding with the road downward toward the sea.  YouContinue Reading

Written by Eddie LeShure – The is the second part of a three part series and was written in April 2003. Exchange rate: $1 = about 9,000 Rupiahs. After spending a pleasant night in my naked-light bulb hotel (Radmat Abadi  for 25,000R), I headed off at 8:30 the next morningContinue Reading