Rick Rider mysteries (Page 2)

Written by RF Wilson – Isaac Chernov kissed his wife, Zela, on the cheek. “See you in a while.” “When do you think that will be?” she asked. “There’ll be a lengthy debriefing afterwards, I’m sure. Back by dinner, anyway.” “You nervous?” she asked. “Excited. I image it’s like whatContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – When the snow began to melt on the north side of the ridge that March, he knew he had to get busy. Although still covered with a two-foot deep blanket of white, he sensed the ground welling up under his feet. Soon the high meadowContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson –  He hefted the wine bag and held the back door open while she carried the groceries into the kitchen. He followed her in and put the bottles in the rack. “You fixing the chicken?” she asked. “Only if you don’t want to.” “Then will youContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson –  The other side of the bed was vacant. I listened for sounds in the bathroom and the kitchen, got up and skulked around the apartment. I looked out on the landing thinking maybe she’d gone out for a smoke. In the kitchen, I pushed theContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – Sheila Magnuson, a barista at Mean Beans Cafe, was on a break when she noticed that Sam was missing. Sam was a neighborhood icon, always seen seated on a chair outside the front door of the Downtown Gentlemen’s Store. He looked like a life-sized Cabbage PatchContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – “Ya know, some people swear this house is haunted,” the man said to his companion as they pushed through sprawling boxwoods that had begun to conquer the front walk. On the phone, she had introduced herself as Phyllis Nyswander of the real estate firm Nyswander andContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – The cars of serious buyers and treasure hunters, speculators and the idly curious, inundate the neighborhood. The tree-lined streets are ablaze with orange and red and gold, redolent of football and bonfires, hinting of winter. By 6:30, people are knocking on the door at 136 MaplewoodContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – I couldn’t sleep. Few of us can. That’s the deal. Wandering around, night after night after night. It’s not like we have homes to go to where we could close the blinds to shut out the light during the day. I could have killed for aContinue Reading