Short Story – Mystery/Suspense (Page 2)

Written by RF Wilson – Sheila Magnuson, a barista at Mean Beans Cafe, was on a break when she noticed that Sam was missing. Sam was a neighborhood icon, always seen seated on a chair outside the front door of the Downtown Gentlemen’s Store. He looked like a life-sized Cabbage PatchContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – “Ya know, some people swear this house is haunted,” the man said to his companion as they pushed through sprawling boxwoods that had begun to conquer the front walk. On the phone, she had introduced herself as Phyllis Nyswander of the real estate firm Nyswander andContinue Reading

Written by RF Wilson – When old lady Cheminski disappeared after Christmas that year, we didn’t think much about it except it was nice to not have her yelling all the time. She was always shooing the birds out of her flower garden, hollering at dogs who wandered into her yard,Continue Reading