by Max Hammonds, MD – May 31 is World No Tobacco Day – which will have a variable impact, depending on which part of the world one lives in. In the United States, the number of smokers has remained steady at about 20% of the population. But this number isContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – What’s with the nuts? Why are they so popular? Aren’t they high in fat – which isn’t good for you, right? In 1993, a landmark study demonstrated that the “frequent consumption of nuts in the diet was associated with a reduced risk of ischemic heartContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – New Year’s resolutions fading fast? Heart Health month (February) encouraging you to eat more healthfully? There are so many ideas out there. What to do? Time Magazine, Dec. 28/Jan. 4, (usually known more for fads than facts about healthful eating) published six factual, rational, practicalContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – You look at your car keys. You choose to pick them up. Just like that – your arm reaches out and picks them up. Do you ever wonder – how does that work? How does the message get from your eyes to your brain andContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – The media are consumed with frightening medical issues – the most recent being breast cancer. Some articles are well-written and balanced. Some are more hype than substance. What is the current medical understanding on breast cancer – and what do we not yet know? FactContinue Reading