
A bark collar is designed for dogs that tend to bark constantly. Bark collars negatively reinforce the barking, usually causing the dog to abandon the behavior altogether. Numerous circumstances do not necessitate bark collars; some dogs can get trained to minimize barking. However, some owners may lack the time orContinue Reading

You’re probably aware of this fact, but over 95% of pet owners consider their pets part of the family. Among all pets, dogs remain most people’s favorites. Their playful personalities, cute appearance, and loyalty are the things everyone loves. If you are reading this, you are probably a fellow dogContinue Reading

Pets, be it cats, dogs, fish or even birds are adorable creatures that have plenty of benefits. They keep us company, they are good playmates with kids, and some pets are even trained to assist people with certain issues. Most individuals do tend to view their pets as another memberContinue Reading

50+ Human Food Your Dogs Can And Can Not Eat Last Updated: September 13, 2019 by Leo Wilson Sharing a snack with your dog is a fun way to connect with them, and, when you choose the right foods, can be a healthy way to supplement their diet. But, someContinue Reading

Cats are different. Some are picky eaters, while others get on the chunky side. All in all, they will always find a way to communicate with us when they are hungry or not. According to Julie Churchill, a nutrition associate professor, cats usually have their food preferences shaped up duringContinue Reading

Our dogs are our best friends and we definitely want to keep them safe. Our world is full of hazards and risks so it is important that you keep your best friends safe. Any danger can happen any time of the day and if you are not wary, this canContinue Reading