healthy (Page 3)

A healthy digestive system is critical to a dog’s well-being because it leads to a robust immune system. Remember, the dog’s digestive tract is full of mutually beneficial bacteria that attack pathogens trying to enter your pet’s body. A weak digestion system also means that your pet’s intake of nutrientsContinue Reading

Your Compost Might Be Pretty, But is it Alive? What’s in your compost bin? If you’re a homesteader or backyard farmer, you may have some slowly rotting food scraps and garden litter than looks dark, and is decently fertile, but missing the diverse microscopic life that will truly boost yourContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – What’s with the nuts? Why are they so popular? Aren’t they high in fat – which isn’t good for you, right? In 1993, a landmark study demonstrated that the “frequent consumption of nuts in the diet was associated with a reduced risk of ischemic heartContinue Reading

by Max Hammonds, MD – “Everyone knows that our soils are more and more depleted.” “The food that we grow is no longer nutritious. Either we must build up our soils or we must add supplements to our diet to make up for this nutritional deficiency.” Is this true? HowContinue Reading